Welcome to Porter Memorial Baptist Church! I think we have a great church--of course, I might be biased! We strive hard to walk in both grace and truth while seeking to live in authentic community. Porter is a church that values both joy and reverence, and we hope you experience both if you get the opportunity to join us in person. We look forward to seeing you at a worship service soon.
my Children?
Porter ministers to children of all ages through our Preschool and Kids Ministries. A variety of age-based classes are offered during our Life Group hour at 9:45am. Childcare is available from babies to Kindergarteners and Kids Worship for 1st-3rd graders during our 8:30 & 11:00am worship services.
dress code?
There are no dress code at Porter. We are a “come as you are” place, and we care more about who you are than what you wear.